I often like to read from a Bible that has NO commentary - a good King James Bible - and then I turn to this Bible when I have interpretation and context issues. That's an example of what I do not agree with. This is a Bible with commentary by those who believe in a pre-tribulation r apture and I personally do not get that from my own study of the Bible. It is this Bible's interpretation of prophecy that I often have problems with - that is, prophecy that has not yet transpired. The whole context issues get very difficult to me without someone there to help me visualize what is being said in a cohesive manner. I was literally afraid to read the Bible by myself (especially the Old Testament) before getting this study Bible. Do I always agree with him? No! But that is okay, because the words in read are his and are not scripture and I know that.

Bible King James Version by Jimmy Swaggart - Alibris Buy The Expositors Study Bible. I would never have thought that I would like a study Bible with commentary from Jimmy Swaggart, but the man knows his Bible REALLY well - and he got help from others where he felt he needed it. Get the best deals for jimmy swaggart expositors study bible at . Jimmy Swaggart The Expositors Study Bible: King James Version (KJV).